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Did you know swimming improves more than just physical health? Due to Covid-19, many children have been out of school and are lacking the social interaction that they’re accustomed to. On top of the myriad of physical benefits, swimming also has many social benefits including: TEAM BUILDING ... COMMUNICATION GOAL SETTING In a swim lesson, your little one is learning from an instructor, and they are working together to accomplish specific tasks! Communication between instructor and child is imperative; they become a focused team working together to meet short term and long term swimming goals. These are skills that transfer to every area of life!


In search of swimming lessons? Swimming increases: Balance... Coordination Concentration Fine and Gross Motor Skills Muscle Strength I will be offering swimming lessons at th Columbus City Pool throughout the summer for all children ages 1yr and up! I have over 10 years experience teaching at local swimming pools, San Antonio companies like Love To Swim, and even national brands such as Life Time Athletic! Teaching is my passion Looking for a program for your baby? Message me for more information about my Mommy-and-Me Intensive (ages 12yrs). I would LOVE to help you or your little one experience safety and independence in the water. Reserve your spot NOW!


We are so excited to have water in the pool! Summer is almost here. Reach out today for information on this season's swimming lessons! Private Lessons Group Lessons Mommy and Me


Do you believe your child is safe while wearing puddle-jumpers, water-wings, or "floaties" in the water? THINK AGAIN! While they often provide an extra sense of security, wearing floaties can actually cause more harm than good! Not only do they teach bad swimming postures and habits, but also, they aren't as safe as you might think. ... https://www.bewatersafe.org//whats-the-big-deal-with-float


Check out the top 8 benefits of introducing your child to the water at an early age! https://www.healthline.com/health/parenting/infant-swimming


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