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A nice relaxed hand while swimming is the best way to pull you through the water, forget cupping your hands, just relax and let the water fall where its meant to. #swimminglessons #relaxedhand #shaplandswimschool #shaplandswimschools


No need to close your eyes here! You can rocket back to the step eyes wide open as the water is kind and gentle on your skin and eyes #shaplandswimschool #gentle #swimminglessons #shaplandswimschools #rocket


Learning to breath to the side is an important skill, whether you are in lessons, ocean swimming, school carnivals, or leisurely swimming laps, it will put less strain on your body and help you move through the water well. #swimminglessons #swimwithease #shaplandswimschool #breathing #shaplandswimschools


Seeing happy children enjoying their lessons is invaluable, even the most hesitant human can become this relaxed and thrilled to be in aquatic environment. #swimminglessons #happy #shaplandswimschool #relax #shaplandswimschools


Phone: 1300 TO SWIM

Website: http://www.shapland.com.au/

Followers: 5764


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