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Looking for a way to get out of the house and have some FUN? We are now offering 1 hour Family Swim spots on Saturdays! Have the pool all to yourself (and up to 10 people), we provide the lifeguard!... All COVID protocols will be followed as always. Offered at our school at Courtyard Marriott, 2722 Gallows Rd., Vienna Details and sign up here - https://app.jackrabbitclass.com/eventcalendar.asp


Congratulations to our 2 new Turtles! They are ready to move onto their strokes now!


Emma is only 2.5 years old! She has made absolutely amazing progress! She can save herself in a water emergency! Go Emma!!!!


Today, we commemorate #MLKDay as a national day of service to impact our communities through outreach, connection and achieving common goals. Visit NationalService.gov/Serve to find ways to safely help your community during COVID-19!


In effort to build awareness during Bath Safety Month, Melissa McGarvey, Director of Aquatics and water safety expert at British Swim School, encourages parents to take the following steps to ensure bathtime is safe and enjoyable! Always close the door when filling the tub. Remove cleaning products, and employ the use of child locks on all cupboard doors (both high and low) within the bathroom. Never leave buckets or large toys in the bathroom area that a child can use ...as a step. Avoid the existence of sharp edges by covering with plastic corners or overlays. Non-slip mats inside the tub are key to avoiding slips and falls. See more


Rewarding (adjective): the valuable, gratifying and satisfying experience of watching your child’s confidence grow as they develop a critical life skill.


Congratulations to Mila! She swims 4 times a week and has moved from water acclimation to survival to stroke improvement in only 4 months! This takes hard work, perseverance and we are so proud of her! A shout out to her parents as well who made water safety a priority and ensure she’s at every class!


In addition to teaching a fundamental health skill, swimming lessons provide the perfect exercise to dive into during the coronavirus pandemic! Data reported by the United States Swim School Association (USSSA) shows that private indoor swim school businesses that are operating are doing so without a single outbreak of COVID! Safety has always been, and continues to be, our #1 priority, with stringent protocols in place to reduce the risks presented by COVID-19. Learn more at BritishSwimSchool.com!


At British Swim School, we’re all about two things: safety and smiles!


Cheers to New Year’s resolutions and becoming stronger, safer swimmers! Parents, fear not: we toast with sparkling apple juice! Start achieving your swimming goals today at BritishSwimSchool.com!


Phone: 833-486-3250

Website: britishswimschool.com/region/northern-virginia

Followers: 6551


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