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Halloween, a full moon, right into daylight savings and a sugar crash....thanks 2020! Hope everyone enjoyed that extra hour of sleep...hahah . If we don’t see you at lessons today, we know why!


135 days until Memorial Day! That means we have 135 days to get our babies and family safe and ready for summer 2021! You don’t have to be a swim teacher or have 30+ years of competitive swim experience to learn how to safely swim float free with your babies! ... What helps you learn!? Taking our swim classes, learning how to teach your little one to swim, starting your kids in LEARN-TO-SWIM swim lessons ASAP, getting the whole family involved in the learn to swim process, being calm and patient. Didn’t get into our winter program!? Fill out the form below to get on our spring session contact list! https://docs.google.com//10Dq_qPQbzEdqDH8k6oUQIr/viewform #PowersAquatics #SwimDad #SwimFloatSwim #BabiesWithoutFloaties #MyBoys 18 days old & 1.5 years old


If you could of only seen what a s*** show this was and how awful my kiddos were being! Always so unbelievably shocked that she gets adorable photos EVERY time! Anyone looking for family pics for the holidays or just in general check out Angela Seaton Photography she is not only my SIL but absolutely amazing!!


Hands down the BEST reusable swim diaper EVER! Logan: 3 years old, 36lbs Milller: 1.5 years old, 27lbs Fisher: 19 days old, 11.5lbs... All in the EXACT same one size fits all Swim diaper. This swim diaper fits Kiddos 8lbs - 30lbs (clearly it still works for us at 36lbs). My 3 youngest are still reusing ones that my 4.5 year old wore when she was a baby. We do require 2 layers of swim diapers a disposable then a reusable (you can also do 2 reusable, rather than 1 of each, if you want). For $10 you could have 1 swim diaper that could last you until your kiddo is potty trained! We always have an extra for each kiddo in our swim bag when we swim in case they we can change and get right back in! If anyone needs swim diapers we have 22 left before we are sold out until spring! To Order: https://docs.google.com//1GprWWfzRbtuRxBS4vbEEgu/viewform


Drowning is the leading cause of preventable death in children under the age of four. This right here is why we teach our kids to swim! This is why we swim through tears, swim regression‘s, Covid, this is why we come to the pool in snow storms, and why we drag our kids out of the house in the pouring rain! Look at these 2 and 3 year olds! All proving that they would be able to save their lives if they were to fall into a body of water with clothes and shoes on. ... Rescue Swimming Level 3...You are all amazing!! Cannot wait to see what you all accomplish in Little Crushers! #CrushingIt #SwimLessonsSaveLives #RescueSwimming


Love that my girls are 4 & 3 and this is what the back of their bedroom door looks like. Love that they have such a deep love for the swim life. Love that they will grow up wearing a swim suit, in front of people, 365 days a year and that they can learn to be comfortable and confident in their own skin. ... Love that they are proud of there strong shoulders and muscles. LOVE that the back of my door looks the same as this and forever thankful for what swimming, water polo and being in a swim suit 365 has done for me. Love that I get to lead by example of what it means to be proud and thankful for the body and skin that we were born in. Our babies are watching us 24/7, be proud, be confident and #PutTheDamnSwimSuitOn! Dolfin Swimwear #SwimSuitGoals


It’s here!! Halloween is here!! We will dress up with our kiddos as long as they let us!! Comment with your throw back to last Halloween’s pics for a chance to win some new #PASwag #PowersAquatics on your Halloween costume pics from today on FB and Insta for a chance to win some new #PASwag 2 winners will be picked tonight!! ... Can’t wait for our fun filled day today! Work until 12 then we are transforming into Frozen 2 for the day! Halloween Family Farm Day at 12:30 Halloween Egg Hunt with the amazing PA teachers and Kiddos at 2:00 Trick or treating at all of Kiki and Papas doors at 4:30


We have VERY little #PASwag Left for the winter sale! Last day to order will be Wednesday no later than 8pm! You can pick up or we can ship it to you. Girls Swim Suits: Size 4: 1 left, Size 6: 2 left, Size 6X: 1 left, Size 8 & 10: 5 each left Boys Swim Suits: Size 22: 3 left, Size 24: 3 left... Caps: Coral, Royal Blue, Teal, Purple Goggles: Frogglez (Pink and Blue) Charger Towel Pants: PolkaDot - 2 pairs left Wet Bags: Green, Blue, Grey Swim Diapers: Green, Purple, White, Grey Towels: Purple, Green, Red, Teal, Navy Sold Out: Youth Long Sleeve T's, Adult T's, Kids Swim Bags, Pink Swim Caps, Coral Wet Bags, To order: https://forms.gle/o1nkv98Vxqtic6Xy6


Do you need something for swim class? You can get same day pick up in Hanover or next day delivery on all orders placed by 10am the day before. ALL Parent/Child Swimmers (who are not potty trained): NEED to be in 2 swim diapers, layer 1 a disposable swim diaper, layer 2 a reusable swim diaper. ALL Little Crushers Swimmers: Need to be in goggles, a swim cap (if you have log hair), 1 piece swim suit for girls, NO swim shirts for boys. ... We have reusable swim diapers, wet bags, towel pants, towels, goggles, swim caps, kids swim bags & girls swim suits. To Order: https://forms.gle/jqr6LbQfhqoEGUGM9


Supporting small business has never been more important! Small businesses are the center of our communities and I was raised with Always support small businesses drilled into my head! All of you wonderful people help support our small business and all of our families, now we want to help support yours!! What PA Fams out there own businesses or work for small businesses!?! Tell us all about them in the comments!!


My favorite boy fam rocking the new #PASwag can’t wait for Ms. Elena to have baby boy #3!!! For a chance to win the new Eat, Sleep, Swim repeat shirt before it’s available for sale comment with a pic of your kiddos before swim, during swim, after swim or after swim naps ect. And tell us what you guys love about class this session. Winner chosen tonight after we get out of the pool!


We did the Halloween kit and my girls had so much fun! Just got our order in and cant wait for our elf to bring a cookie decorating kit! I will be VERY prego so yess, it’s November 1st and I am already thinking about how to make Christmas 2020 EPIC! #supportsmallbusiness #mamaownedbusiness #localbusiness


Packed schedule for Fisher today: 7:00am: First adjustment with Dr. Steph 7:15 - 5:15: 5:30 - 6:30: First family swim!!! ... (Video of my boys first swim going up later tonight)


Spring Session 2021 Planning! I would LOVE for my girls to swim before school a couple of days a week in Little Crushers. Would anyone else be interested in this, specifically Hanover 7, 7:30 or 8a weekdays!? PA Families who have 3 or MORE kiddos swimming in our program! Comment with your perfect schedule days, times, levels locations! I feel the struggle of scheduling this and want to TRY and make it a tad easier for you! ... I will do another post later on asking for other requests. Right now I am just focusing on the top two things for the spring schedule.


Happy Birthday to this AMAZING one of a kind human! We ALL miss you tons and hope you are having a great first birthday in Florida! I miss moming with you! Brianne Ryan Bianco


#PSwag Pick up ready for you (under a tarp, because it is hailing now). It’s 8:30am, got Day 2 of orders filled, outside and ready for pick up! Already had an ultrasound at SSH, dropped the kids off at school now on finishing up today’s shipment orders and heading to the post office. This is why I hire parents...we get S!& done!


An hour with of lessons for this boy today...sorry kiddo only 9 more weeks to get you back on track before I have to take a couple weeks off from the pool and only 7 months until summer 2021 where you WILL be an independent swimmer. Practice makes progress, progress at a slow and steady rate gets us to where we need to be! #WeSwim #NotAChoice #BabiesWhoSwim


Saw this and LOVED it! This is the importance of taking smaller steps! When we teach you to teach your kiddos to swim there are 100s of very small steps in the Newbies and Level 1 levels. And each little swimmer is on their own path. Have a consistent parent in the water so you can help your little one progress on their own path.... Don’t skip steps and try to jump to something else that we have not gotten to yet. All of your kiddos will hit a step that to us seems simple, but to them it’s hard and it might take them a while to master. Tty not to get frustrated and try not to compare your little one with sibs or class mates. Practice makes progress, progress at a slow and steady rate gets us to where we need to be.


Little Crushers Families!! We are loving Little Crushers this session, but finding it hard to give feedback with kiddos running around trying to locate you and having the next group ready to get in right away. We have come up with an online progress report system. To ensure each swimmers privacy we will be codding each of your swimmers by the last 4 digits of your phone number. Those of you with multiple kiddos we will do the last 4 digits and then the first letter of your... swimmers first name. We will not be updating this weekly as it will be extremely time consuming and updates are best if seen over a few weeks as progress takes TIME. We will email out the link once we finish getting it all set up and every time that we update it! For the winter session, we will have 3 levels of Little Crushers each of these levels will be 100% ability based, with level 3 being a direct feed into the Swim Team! Entry into each level will be based upon a point system which you will directly be able to see on the progress report. Please note that we are going to be strict about which group you sign up for the winter and we will not be able to accommodate keeping sibs together (if they are in different levels) OR level changes due to a class working better for your schedule. These amazing little swimmers deserve to swim in the correct levels with swimmers who are the same level as them ! We are VERY excited to get this up and running and over to you all!


This is what Little Crushers ready looks like! We will be holding a sale for ALL of this gear in a few weeks! Swim Cap, that keeps hair out of your face and stays on: Swimlids Googles that your teacher does not have to stop the whole class to fix: Frogglez Goggles Swimsuit that does not get in the way of learning proper technique: Dolfin Swimwear


Anyone else have a little one in there last session of parent/child classes that is SO excited for Little Crushers in the winter!?! Logan will be 3 on the first day of the winter session and is beyond excited to start LC! An hour before we had to leave for swim class and this girl was ready and insisted on wearing the goggles for the whole hour before and car ride there. #ToddlerSwimTeam #LittleCrushers #CrushingIt #CovidBetterNotGetInTheWay... Also, HUGE shout out to the amazing companies below who actually make swim team worthy gear for kiddos this little!! #SwimLids #FrogglezGoogles #DolfinSwimwear #ParadiseTowelWear


This is the week of SPED (Special Education), Autism, Dyslexia, and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) awareness. For all the children who struggle every day to succeed in a world that does not recognize their gifts and talents, and for those who are walking beside them, please let this be a gentle reminder to be kind and accepting of ALL people. Recognize that the "playing field" is not always a level surface. Children who learn differently are merely gifted in... ways that our society does not value. I (Kristen) was diagnosed with Dyslexia at age 10. To all of the parents out there who have kiddos who have learning differences, or to the ones that are just starting the adventure of being a parent to a kiddo like me. I am a living example that it will all be ok. Although I was lucky enough to have great friends and was athletic, school was a STRUGGLE for me. Once diagnosed with Dyslexia, Academic pressures were taken off of me and my parents praised effort and my individual accomplishments. I was extremely lucky to grow up with parents who supported us finding our own paths in life and who always recognized our gifts and a supported them. For me it was water any and everything that happen in and around the water just made since to me and gave me pure enjoyment. Last time I was tested by the SPED department was my JR year in high school. I tested around the 2nd/3rd grade level in reading/writing/comprehension, right after that I received a scholarship to play D1 water polo at a great college. I have a BS in criminal justice, I own/run/operate a very successful business, I am married with kiddo number 4 on the way and I am extremely happy with the life that my husband and I have worked so hard to create. I have 2 kiddos in EI, both for very different reasons and 2 kiddos who I am sure will grow up with special education services in schools. I can NOT wait to see what amazing gifts all of my babies have been blessed with and do everything in my power to support those gifts! Treat each and everyone of your children as the amazing individuals that they are and find ways to support there strengths and interests. Teach them to be advocates for themselves and teach them that they can do and be absolutely anything that they want to. To all the parents out there trying to figure out life with an extra special one, I see you. To you all running around and juggling a crazy schedule full appointments and therapies, I see you! As a kiddo who had a mum who did all of this for me, let me say your kiddos are so lucky to have you in their corner and although they might not say it they are thankful for everything that you do. It might be hard to see it now but it will all be ok!


Big week this week!! Rescue swimming, the last week of the fall session and for lots of you the last time you will be in the water with your little ones after 3 YEARS of parent/child classes ! It’s ok to feel lots of emotions at class this week...I know I will have happy/proud tears of all our level 2 and level 3 swimmers. And tears for our graduating level 3 swimmers! Level 3 swimmers: clothes and shoes to swim in, does not matter if they wear suits under. ... Level 2: just swim suits Level 1 and Newbies: normal class this week Little Crushers: we will be doing treading water We have posted so many videos in the past of rescue swimming, look back..have your kiddo watch some! It helps so much!! If you have not signed up for winter yet please do so ASAP! Brie and I are taking my a much needed admin break as of the 20th. You will not be able to transfer classes, sign up or add a class after that! Throwback to when Miller and I got to swim/teach together everyday and he would take his AM naps in the pool.


Happy Halloween 2020, Hope everyone had a GREAT day! Let’s see those Halloween pics!!


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