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Did you know that maintaining a controlled pH level helps reduce the amount of chlorine you use? The ideal pH for your pool is between 7.2 and 7.8.


Reliable, fair and always receptive to your needs, we'll elevate your expectations when it comes to quality service.


If you're getting ready to sell your home, we'll make sure your pool looks great before any potential buyers stop by.


Pool service is what we do. Helping you is what we love.


You can count on us to make sure your pool is in excellent condition at all times.


Fall is the perfect time to fix up any broken pumps or leaking liners that might still be on your to-do list. Never too late to get your pool ready for the down season.


We proudly approach each pool with the same standard of care as we would our own. Call (505) 296-8063 to pick the pros that care.


Friendly reminder! Showering before you enter the pool can help maintain your pool chemistry.


Backyard pool maintenance is something that must be done on a regular basis. If pool maintenance is put off, your swimming pool can start to develop bacteria and algae, which will cause it to become an unsafe environment.


For us, the courteous and thorough experience we provide is just as important as the quality of our workmanship.


Having a clean pool requires perfect chemical balance, and we have all the supplies you need to maintain that.


It's a sad time of the year for some, but for us we're busy helping our customers close their pools for the season. If you're ready to shut things down to protect your pool, give us a call at (505) 296-8063.


Routine maintenance is just one of our many services. Get in touch to learn more about what's included.


Our own Tony Garcia will be doing work on the set of the TV series Roswell.


Don't hesitate to let us know what you need most -- with our high-tech equipment, there's not much we can't do.


Leave the cleaning to us! With our weekly cleaning services, we'll have your spa or pool maintained throughout the year.


We’ve been proudly serving our community since 1977, and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. Thank you, Albuquerque for over 40 years of generous support!


Another successful liner install.


Phone: +1 505-296-8063

Website: http://albpools.com/

Followers: 84


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