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46 TOO MANY LIVES! ... #beavoice #children #46toomany #kids #infants


Please say no to puddle jumpers. They seem convenient at the time but it’s not worth it.


ANOTHER BABY GIRL DROWNS Liberty county an 11 month old drown in a bathtub. #voices #dontletthemdrown #judahbrownproject


Raise your hand if you are so very thankful you stuck it out.


Sadly, Harris County currently holds the lead with 9 children




Drowning is still the leading cause of accidental death in children under the age of 5.




With Spring Break and warmer weather approaching, our social media feeds are about to be flooded with children in floatation devices, like this. While the mar...keting would have you believe otherwise, recreational use of these devices can be very dangerous. Floatation devices like these are approved by the U.S. Coast Guard for use on U.S. commercial vessels and recreational boats . The Coast Guard approval of personal floatation devices (PFDs) ONLY relates to the carriage on vessels. Any use, or misuse, outside of this purpose is outside of their regulatory jurisdiction/authority. The Coast Guard DOES NOT evaluate or approve PFD‘s as learn to swim devices and notes that there is no widely accepted or regulatory definition for that term. These devices promote a vertical posture, also known as the drowning position. Floatation devices subconsciously train your children to be in an upright, vertical position in the water. It trains them to swim with their head out of the water and their legs kicking below and creates muscle memory to have this posture in the water. Young children DO NOT have the cognitive abilities to recognize that they would not be able to breathe in this position without this device. Parents use devices like these with the best intentions, but they’re not getting the full story. Safer alternatives to recreationally enjoy the water include: Strap your little one in a baby carrier (I’ve personally used the $30 Infantino carrier from Target/Amazon and washed it in the washing machine after). Use a water ring sling. Hold your child in your arms while in the water. Have a multi-layered water safety plan, including effective supervision, a pool fence, locks and alarms, and CPR. Most importantly, enroll your children in quality survival swim lessons, like ISR Self-Rescue with a Certified Infant Swimming Resource Instructor. Children ages 6 months through 6 years can learn to self-rescue. You can find an instructor near you at infantswim.com or DM me with your zip, and I’ll send you contact info! #children #parenting #safety #floating #springbreak #isr #infantswimmingresource


ANOTHER CHILD DROWNING IN TEXAS! As of today Texas has had 17 male child drownings and 3 female child drownin...gs since January 2020. All 20 children have families and now their lives will never be the same. Drowning is PREVENTABLE! Be a voice! #beavoice #dontletthemdrown #judahbrownproject


I never want to sound judgmental. (My older kids wore floaties too, before I knew better.) But I am passionate about this. If I can get through to one family, save one child, about the dangers of puddle jumpers it would be worth it.


May is National Water Safety Month. ISR is one layer of protection. Not the first. Not the only. But one. Give your child every fighting chance should they reach the water alone.... Got to www.infantswim.com for the closest ISR instructor near you.


Phone: +1 281-849-4477

Website: http://www.infantswim.com/

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