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Happy New Year to you all! I hope you had a great holiday season filled with family and relaxation. I’ve had a few questions regarding lessons for this year. Here’s what I can tell you now: 1) Spring lessons will be starting April 10th. ... 2) We are working on the website and are hopeful that we can schedule lessons on there instead of me managing. 3) I will post the website and instructions (if needed) to schedule spring lessons. As always, if you have any questions, please reach out. See you soon! Candace


Even with 2+ weeks off due to cold weather/water, she came in extra determined tonight. Very first thing she did, put her face in. I couldn’t be any prouder because she really doesn’t like water on her face.


Happy New Year!


Happy Thanksgiving! What are grateful for on this day? My answer is in the comments.


This little girl amazes me. We’ve worked so hard at building her trust in me and it finally happened today. She’ll be two in a few months and is swimming with the noodle suit (as I call it) but she’s finally moving in the water. There’s a video in the comments of her lesson from about a month ago that will show how much she’s progressed. She averages 2 lessons per week, except when we had the cold spell, we didn’t have lessons.


A great article about one of my close friends growing up and the determination she had to chase her dreams. If you google Kristy’s name, you’ll see some very impressive accolades including being the first US female to break a minute in 100 breaststroke. Anything IS possible with determination and a strong support system. She is an amazing athlete, but more importantly she is an amazing person. https://www.readingeagle.com//article_12fba68a-c83e-11ea-8


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